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About the Røros Museum

The Røros Museum was established in 1930 and the museum Olav's Mine in 1979. The two museum units were merged in 1990 and converted into a foundation, founded by Røros The Museum- and Historical Society and Olav's Mine's Friends Society. In 2014 the Røros Museum became part of The Museums of South-Trøndelag AS. Properties and collections are owned by the Foundation Rørosmuseet.

The Røros Museum has professional responsibilities for the field of mining history, heritage conservation, Southern Sami cultural history, natural history and the World Heritage site Røros and the Circumference. 

The Rørors museum Rørosmuseet are responsible for maintaining 80 buildings, of which 54 are protected. We also manage 4.5 square kilometers industrial landscape with buildings and properties after Røros Copper Works, most of which are protected.

The museum has about 55,000 visitors annually in total, between our visitor's centres at Olav's Mine, Smelthytta Museum, Doktortjønna, Sleggveien and Visitor Centre Femundsmarka National Park in Røros and Elgå.

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    Workers at Røros smelter after modernization in 1888.
Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.21
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2