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How to find us

Røros Museum has four separate visitor centres: Smelthytta, the Preservation Centre and Doktortjønna in the town of Røros, and Olav's Mine located in the Stowartz mining area, 13 km east of Røros. Click in the different maps to open in Google maps.

E-mail and phone

Telefon: +47 72 40 61 70

Epost:     rorosmuseet.post@mist.no

Visiting and deliveries

Røros Museum 
Lorentz Lossius gata 45 

N-7374 Røros

Mailing and billing address

Museene i Sør-Trøndelag AS
Felles postmottak
Pb 6289 
N-7489 Trondheim 

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2