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Marit and Morten Kant in Røros

Several Sámi families became settled permanently in the mining town. One of them was the family of Marit and Morten Kant.
Marit Holm [1852–1938] married Morten Mortensen Kant [1855–1926] in Røros church on 7 August 1880. According to the church records, both were born ‘in the mountains of Røros’. This kind of designation was common for the families who lived in the mountains and herded reindeer between the seasonal grazing lands.

The reindeer herd was the basis of existence for Marit and Morten when they got married. However, the reindeer herders faced great challenges towards the end of the 1800s. Alleged grazing damage led to costly claims for compensation, and many had to give up reindeer husbandry for this reason. Marit and Morten Kant were among those who had to find a new source of income. In 1894, Morten was a dayworker and took on work wherever he could. The situation for the couple had indeed changed.

Bailiff Herstad oversaw reindeer husbandry in the area, and his annual report for 1898 shows that Morten worked at Arvedal's mine, and therefore was on Røros Copper Works’ payroll. According to the 1900 census, Marit and Morten Kant were living in Røros. Morten is listed as a factory worker at the copper works, and Marit as engaging in ‘finnsko’ work. This probably means that Marit was sewing winter shoes to sell. At this time, the family lived in a small house here in Haugan. According to the 1910 census, they were still living in the same house, and Morten was working in the washeries at Røros Copper Works' mines.
The 1920 census shows that Marit and Morten had now moved to a small log house in Øra. Morten was a smallholder, but still took on paid work for Røros Copper Works. Marit was still sewing shoes to sell.

The census that year also asked what language was used at home, and Marit and Morten Kant stated that they spoke the Sámi language at home. Marit and Morten had ten children, but by the 1920 census, only three were still alive.
Even though Marit and Morten had a permanent address in the mining town, they also took on work elsewhere. For a while, they stayed in Rindal as reindeer herders for a domesticated reindeer company in Trollheimen.

In November 1926, Marit and Morten had undertaken the task of herding a small herd of reindeer from Røros to Oslo. The herd was transported on the railway. Morten wanted to supervise the reindeer en route, and stayed in the railway carriage with the reindeer. The carriage was draughty and cold, and Morten fell ill. He was hospitalised in Oslo, where he died on 20 November.

Marit died here in Røros in 1938

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
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