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Mining within the Circumference

The exhibition "Mining within the Circumference" gives a short presentation of how the mines were operated at different periods and describes the miners’ working and living conditions.

  • Rob Veldhuis

The exhibition "Mining within the Circumference" is situated in the museum building at Olav's Mine and gives an account of the mining operations run within the "Circumference", the area in which Røros Copper Works received the rights to exploit all natural resources. Also located in the museum building is the exhibition "Geology in the Røros district". These two exhibitions provide a valuable introduction to tours of Olav's Mine and to the Storwartz mining area. Entrance to the exhibitions are free of charge. 

Your visit should be combined with a guided tour of the mine itself, which comprises the two mines – "Nyberget" and "Olavsgruva". A walk through Nyberget (1650-1717) and Olav’s Mine (1936-1972) shows the historical development of mining techniques. In Nyberget there are lighting and sound effects to reminiscent of the time when miners worked underground hacking and hammering at the rock. At Olav's Mine, things have been left in an untouched condition just as they were around 1970 when the mine closed its operations.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2