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Gïelh åarjelraedteste - Voices from the South

  • Daniel Mortenson Iv. Olsen

On February 6th 1917, the Sami people held the first nationwide meeting in Trondheim that dealt with Sami interests. The 100th anniversary in 2017 is a major national event that will be celebrated in many parts of Saepmie and Norway. The Røros Museum will celebrate the anniversary with a major exhibition in Smelthytta, a series of lectures, and the museum’s yearbook will be published as a Sami theme issue.

The exhibition highlights major changes in the Sami community in the early 1900s. Unique artifacts from Norsk Folkemuseum’s sami collection will be displayed for the first time in the Røros region!

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2