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Guided tours of the Olav's Mine

Join an exciting hour long guided tour of Røros’ mining history. The tour takes us through the older mine Nyberget and the newer Olav’s Mine, 50 meters below the surface and 500 meters into the Miner’s Hall. Olav’s Mine is located in the Storwartz area, 13 km from Røros.

Explore the Olav's mine with us!

  • 20.06 - 15.08: every day at 10.00, 12.00, 14.00 and 16.00
  • 16.08 - 10.09: every day at 15.00
  • 11.09 - 31.05: Thursday and Saturday at 15.00 
  • 01.06 - 19.06: every day at 15.00

Tours are in Norwegian and English

Extra tours in conjunction with local holidays.

The museum is closed Januar 1., May 1., May 17., December 24. and 25.

Please book your tickets in advance by one of the following options:

+47 72 40 61 70
Phone hours: every day 10 am - 5 pm


Tickets 2024

Adult NOK 200
Student/Senior NOK 180
Children under 16 accompanied by an adult: free (not groups)

Opening hours museum building and exhibitions

The museum building at Olav's Mine is open in conjunction with the guided tours.

Museum24:Portal - 2024.06.11
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 1